Kids Finance

Family Money Talks

Although many of us had to learn our money lessons at the school of hard knocks, we can make our children’s lives easier. In today’s age, our children have even more temptations than we did. From birth, they are inundated with messages from advertisers to “buy, buy, buy!”
FACT: A typical kid is exposed to more than one million advertisements by the time they reach age 21.

To counteract the conditioning to spend and give children good money management knowledge, teaching kids and teens personal finance lessons becomes essential.
Bottom line: Financial habits are formed early. We should begin teaching kids lessons about personal finances when they’re young. If they are already older now, that’s OK. It is critical that they receive professional-level training prior to moving out on their own.
By giving them practical lessons in formats to which they can easily relate, you’ll establish an educational foundation that supports continued financial education training as they mature.


Our family money talks program entails 5 project-based learning activities to teach kids about money. The activities will help your children develop essential money management skills and help mold positive financial habits.

Utility bills challenge
This activity will help your children develop essential financial skills sets, including: financial goal-setting, understanding living costs, and financial responsibility.
Trips to The Supermarket
Your regular trip to the supermarket offers an excellent opportunity to open a conversation with kids about money, show them how overspending can occur, and turn them into bargain shoppers. This activity helps kids learn key money management skills, including budgeting, living within one’s means, prioritizing spending, and price comparison shopping.
Evaluate Commercials
Children are being trained to be consumers. This is an activity empowers children to logically evaluate both ads and their own spending habits.
Meeting Financial Professionals
There are many ways for community members to support youth in building personal financial knowledge and promoting a healthy economy. Also, families have many opportunities to become engaged in their communities. The following ideas represent an array of options that will allow for you and your family to build confidence in financial literacy.
Needs and Wants Scavenger Hunt
This activity is designed to help children start identifying needs versus wants, and how to make spending decisions accordingly. The activity teaches the value of delayed gratification, and how to plan and wait for times when you have saved enough to make a “want-based” purchase.

PS: This program requires some engagement from parents to make it successful.

Finance 101

This is based on the NFEC financial literacy curriculum, online learning & presentations are engaging and fun, yet also meets core educational standards. The programming has been widely recognized for its ability to connect with students and inspire participants of all ages and social economic backgrounds to take positive financial action.

Financial Psychology:
This session covers financial psychology topics related to money management, including needs versus wants, lifestyle choices, short-term and long-term goal-setting, and emotional influences.

Accounts, Savings, Budgets,& Expenses
This session presents the value of savings as a habit; emergency preparedness; types of financial accounts and banking tools; short-term versus long-term savings accounts; types of expenses for which people save; the differences between saving and investing; and the basics of budgeting.

Income, Careers, Business, & Entrepreneurship

This session presents the various facets of working to earn money and choosing future careers

Credit, Debt, & Loans
This session covers the fundamentals of borrowing money and the advantages and disadvantages of credit and debt.
Risk Management & Insurance
This session introduces the concept of risk and how risk can be managed in various ways, including insurance coverage.

We customise programs for Ages 5 – 7years, 7 – 11years, 11 – 16 years, +16 years


SME Business Advisory services

Financial planning for business owners

Financial Fitness Spa utilizes a comprehensive educational approach to helping individuals, business owners, and financial professionals work towards attaining Financial Balance.

When working with Business owners it is important for them to understand that the business decisions they make today will have an effect on their personal balance sheet as well.

We offer many services for our business clients, such as CFO on call, Business Consulting (Operations, Tax, Finance), Succession Planning and Estate Planning to name a few.

Our Team has aligned themselves with professionals in areas of expertise that are outside our realm (tax, legal) to ensure all avenues are addressed and properly discussed.


About CFO on-call services

We work closely with SMEs because we understand them,our number one goal is to accelerate growth so owners and founders can take their business to the next level. We’ll help manage cash flow, keep investors happy, and create strong efficiencies in the operations and business processes.
We provide financial strategy, accounting automation, payroll, financial reporting & bookkeeping for startups and small businesses.


  • We pride ourselves as the Entrepreneur’s Co-pilot
    Managing a business is a tough job. You were driven by passion to solve problems but the finance, operations and accounting needs ought to be sorted out too. As your Co-pilot, Financial Fitness Spa will make the journey worthwhile.
  • We focus on providing personalized support
    Our tool kit allows you to get the level of support you need. If you are unsure, our free consultations calls can give you the answers you need.

Our Approach

  • Our Approach to partner engagement is learning (in depth), Execution (Practical and Personalized) and Growth (Income and Impact)

How we measure success?

  • Growth in revenue milestones from one Tier to the next;
  • Growth in team and streamlining operational framework to enable the Founder focus on strategic engagements

Individual/Family programs (customized investment experience)

We are here to help real people, their families, their communities and their friends. You don’t have to fit into any certain group to get assistance or advice from our team.

As financial professionals we understand that life can be full of tough decisions that can many times lead to poor financial choices. We understand that decisions are often made with emotions first and then justified with logic, making the poor decisions not as surprising. Education is key to what we do; we want you to understand what you need and what you want so that together we can create a plan that best fits you.

We believe in putting our faith, family and health above all things and want to help you best prioritize your life. We want to help you be prepared and protected for the future.

There is no need to be scared or confused by money, but we understand that many people feel this way and as a team we want to alleviate some of this confusion. We understand the need to look at the whole financial picture so that is exactly what we do to create the most value for our clients. Our goal is to help you live the lifestyle you want, while also having the best financial plan for you moving forward.

Value based investment
Our clients want to see their assets grow. To aid them in this, we provide each individual with flexible investment solutions. These solutions help put both of us in control.

Customized solutions
Trust is earned,and built over time. We provide a team of wealth management specialists who help craft for you a comprehensive, personalized, investment plan.


Coaching and Mentoring

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Speaking Engagements

Corporate wellness programs

Thrive Program

People work hard to make the most of their income and create momentum with their money – amidst a lot of financial clutter, and often without the benefit of a clear-cut financial strategy.

FACT: Across the entire workforce, 46% of workers spend three or more hours during the workweek taking care of financial issues and 8% say it impacts their attendance as they face ongoing struggles with medical expenses, student loans, and child and elder care expenses, among other things. Source: Employee Financial Wellness Survey. PWC, 2016

The THRIVE program introduces employees to essential personal finance concepts from a unique personal balance sheet perspective. It’s a learning experience that can have a powerful effect on financial decision-making so participants can achieve a higher degree of control over their lifetime earnings and overall financial picture.

The step-by-step approach shows you the simple logic and the ideal order of financial decision-making that guide you toward a solid financial future with clarity, confidence, and security.

The program entails knowledge (in person sessions, webinars), access to tools/resources, and complimentary one on one coaching with our professionals
This program empowers individuals to protect their today, become world class savers/investors, plan for life’s events, and live debt free.


How we deliver the THRIVE PROGRAM

The THRIVE program provides people with a complete wide-angle view of their financial world. Let us help you make the choices that are right for your future through the following sessions:

Protect First; Always consider protection first. You want to plan first for what may happen today before you plan for what may happen tomorrow. Without adequate protection, your wealth is left exposed to unexpected life events.

Save and Grow; Investing the right way means more than simply chasing a rate of return. A focus on minimizing risk and becoming more tax efficient allows you to make money while still having enough cash on hand to cover emergencies.

Leverage cashflow; Make the most of what you have. We’ll help improve your cash flow by showing you how to: live a budgeted lifestyle, reduce your debt, increase your discretionary income, gain tax efficiency.

Retire Right; How much do you need for retirement? Forget whatever arbitrary numbers you’ve heard. Future market performance, medical and tax expenses, and even your own longevity are impossible to anticipate. There is a better way to plan for retirement that doesn’t involve guessing about the future.

Finance for Non Finance Executives

Are you a Non Finance Executive struggling to understand Financial matters ?

Are you interested in understanding accounting and financial matters revolving around Sales, Purchases, Asset Acquisitions, Fund raising, so you can take better decisions in your organisation?

Are you aware that Ignorance in Finance Management will turn out to be a costly affair and business may not even exist to repent about it?

The aim of the course is to provide people who are not trained financial specialists yet are required to, or have an interest in, understanding and interpreting corporate financial information, with the necessary skills to do so.


What you'll learn

  • Understand What are Financial Statements and how it is useful for Decision Making?
  • Understand why knowledge Financial Management is essential to grow up in the Organisational Chart?
  • Interpret the three key financial statements – Profit & Loss, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow
  • Explain their  impact on organisational finances and interpret key facts
  • Plan, Implement and Monitor a Budget
  • Understand Financial Ratios and its implications in various decisions.