Kids Finance

Don’t you wish you had learned more about money when you were a kid? I do! I’m sure most of us have experienced at least one costly, stressful money mistake in our lifetimes.

Family Money Talks

Although many of us had to learn our money lessons at the school of hard knocks, we can make our children’s lives easier. In today’s age, our children have even more temptations than we did. From birth, they are inundated with messages from advertisers to “buy, buy, buy!”
FACT: A typical kid is exposed to more than one million advertisements by the time they reach age 21.

To counteract the conditioning to spend and give children good money management knowledge, teaching kids and teens personal finance lessons becomes essential.
Bottom line: Financial habits are formed early. We should begin teaching kids lessons about personal finances when they’re young. If they are already older now, that’s OK. It is critical that they receive professional-level training prior to moving out on their own.
By giving them practical lessons in formats to which they can easily relate, you’ll establish an educational foundation that supports continued financial education training as they mature.


Our family money talks program entails 5 project-based learning activities to teach kids about money. The activities will help your children develop essential money management skills and help mold positive financial habits.

Utility bills challenge
This activity will help your children develop essential financial skills sets, including: financial goal-setting, understanding living costs, and financial responsibility.
Trips to The Supermarket
Your regular trip to the supermarket offers an excellent opportunity to open a conversation with kids about money, show them how overspending can occur, and turn them into bargain shoppers. This activity helps kids learn key money management skills, including budgeting, living within one’s means, prioritizing spending, and price comparison shopping.
Evaluate Commercials
Children are being trained to be consumers. This is an activity empowers children to logically evaluate both ads and their own spending habits.
Meeting Financial Professionals
There are many ways for community members to support youth in building personal financial knowledge and promoting a healthy economy. Also, families have many opportunities to become engaged in their communities. The following ideas represent an array of options that will allow for you and your family to build confidence in financial literacy.
Needs and Wants Scavenger Hunt
This activity is designed to help children start identifying needs versus wants, and how to make spending decisions accordingly. The activity teaches the value of delayed gratification, and how to plan and wait for times when you have saved enough to make a “want-based” purchase.

PS: This program requires some engagement from parents to make it successful.

Finance 101

This is based on the NFEC financial literacy curriculum, online learning & presentations are engaging and fun, yet also meets core educational standards. The programming has been widely recognized for its ability to connect with students and inspire participants of all ages and social economic backgrounds to take positive financial action.

Financial Psychology:
This session covers financial psychology topics related to money management, including needs versus wants, lifestyle choices, short-term and long-term goal-setting, and emotional influences.

Accounts, Savings, Budgets,& Expenses
This session presents the value of savings as a habit; emergency preparedness; types of financial accounts and banking tools; short-term versus long-term savings accounts; types of expenses for which people save; the differences between saving and investing; and the basics of budgeting.

Income, Careers, Business, & Entrepreneurship

This session presents the various facets of working to earn money and choosing future careers

Credit, Debt, & Loans
This session covers the fundamentals of borrowing money and the advantages and disadvantages of credit and debt.
Risk Management & Insurance
This session introduces the concept of risk and how risk can be managed in various ways, including insurance coverage.

We customise programs for Ages 5 – 7years, 7 – 11years, 11 – 16 years, +16 years